Interesting things this week!
1) Green unripe mango can taste like guava... Nice and interesting. No wonder the Thais love them alot
2) My respect for my Muslim friends had increased! Fasting is no joke. I happen to fast for a few days due to project and work and its really unbearable. Kudos to all the Muslim in the world! You all are really strong spritually and mentally. I will never make it as a muslim during fasting month. Period.
3) I hope that Gerard has learn his lesson about communication. I remember the meeting I had with Lian and the BE peepz. Gerard was there as a subcomm of programs and he was interepting me before I can say anything and confusing the rest of the people. Later I told him that if you want to interept or suggest anything. Do it in a manner that will seem like a mild suggestion and allow the current speaker to give you airtime. Interepting like this only makes the current speaker look stupid and you look agreesive. Create a win-win situation by having respect for others. I hope he has learnt from this encounter (Why does he always have to learn this way... sigh)
4) People don't treasure other people or things that they have until they are gone. Its kinda sad that life is like this. You will start to miss something or someone greatly and dearly once you lose them.
5) My Bank account is dangerously low again... I need more cash inflow and less cash outflow!
6) I had cut down on my carbo intake recently. I don't even drink soda anymore. Its all in my attempt to have a healthy lifestyle! Support me all the way ok, guys?