Saturday, January 07, 2006

Back to TPJC

Yesterday, I went back to TPJC for the orientation. Initially I didn't wanted too but then my junior asked me to go along... Wellz, you can't refuse a request from a lady right? (No Jeng Jeng okz! She's attached okz!)

So there I was, at the back of my former school. Looking at how the school hall is and how the council run their programs and also giving a lecture on events management, crowd control and influence to my poor junior. Throughout the event, there were the usual cheesy performances and 1 kiddy rock band. The only good performance was by this girl who can really sing. Too bad the AVA club wasn't experienced enough to give her reverb and a good EQ. In fact, the whole show wasn't that fine due to poor acoustics and EQing. The band wasn't miked up properly and was quite loose.

But all this is forgivable as they are not professionals anyway.

As I look at my juniors and see how they react. I suddenly realise how old I am. Perhaps age and experience will make you see things differently and critically. Instead of enjoying the programs for the night, I begin to think and review it.

So, the morale of the story is... Do not bring me to any orientation unless you want me to give a lecture or help you in the planning. I will get bored and you will get bored listening to me ranting on about events and performances and shows etc.

I am not called Auntie Ah Fu for nothing okz


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's true you know fu, i find myself doing reviews and analysis at events too...

3:35 PM  

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