Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cooking 101: Part 2

Something that I always wanted to try out but never have the chance to as I don't have a flat frying pan...

It is to make nice juicy chicken steaks with itallian herbs.

Imagine a medium done chicken steak (tight meat) with a nice herby flavor...

Shiok right?

Now, I will teach you on how to do it the lazy way.

For western cooking, it is quite easy as most of the flavor comes from the seasoning.

1) Buy a nice piece of tight meat (debone of coz)

2) Wash it with salt to remove the dirt and bateria

3) Marinate it with some light soy sauce, pepper and salt. Rub the whole piece of meat with lots of italian herbs. This will realli give a nice flavor to the meat

4) Add some oil to the frying pan and use slow fire. Slowly sear the meat to perfection. Do not overcook the meat! Make sure that it is medium rare. This will increase the juiciness of the meat.

5) Boil some baby carrots and potato and toss them together with abit of salt and herbs for taste.

6) Serve the chicken together with the baby carrots and potato. If you want, put some baked beans too and use lettuce for garnish to improve the looks of the dish

I will try that soon. Will get myself a frying pan just to do it.

If you are lucky, I may even cook tat for you!


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