Sunday, March 05, 2006

Face Off is over...

Finally, Face Off is over and done with!

After many nights of setting up and tearing down, late supper, lack of sleep and rising tempers etc. It is over already.

Now I feel damn empty.

Face Off to me, is more important then Grand Opening or Patron's Day.

Its an event that I wanted, I fought for and one that my Studio Comm can call our own.

This event will never make it without:

1) Jason and Anthony thinking of having a crazy concert with us all in it

2) Gerard planning all the tech stuff

3) Shuhui with her photoshop skills and resourcefulness

4) LN n Fifi with their organization skills

5) The 3 bands for committing time and effort to make this a scream!

6) Mike, Dush, Fifi for a drum solo that will put Samba Masal to shame

7) Gerry who activated the secret code 'Show me the money'

8) ACF who activated the secret code 'Show me the money' also

Lastly, Margaret Chan, who nagged, whipped, guided, threaten and train us from nerdy geeks to rock performers, event organizers and power house tech crew!

This concert is for you as much as it is for us.

Special thanx to Xiaomei, Hamster, Chinchilla, Nicole, Natalie, Syafifah, Sisimo Fan club and the others who come to see this concert. It may be my last in SMU. It has being fun while it lasted.

I will miss the stage, the smoke, the lights and lastly, I will miss you, the audience.

Thank you for being there for us, the performers. Without you, we are nothing but wannabes.

Thank you for a dream come true


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