Tuesday, October 25, 2005

First official rant

The previous week was total madness.

5 Events with 3 happening on Friday. Mid Term on Sat and Projects to rush...

Sometimes I do feel that S.M.U is actually Stress Meant for U....

Yepz, you are correct! S.M.U gives you nothing but stress and worry, especially when you have eggheads and bimbos trying to run events when they don't event know what the hell they are doing. Sheesh... But then, I can't blame them... most clubs are understaff and overworked and they are just trying to do their best.... But at who's expense?

The people dying in silence are the nameless heros from Studio Comm and BE's Backstage. Kudos to Gerard, my evil twin for braving the week with me and looking after my back when I'm doing stupid things. Wellz, sometimes when you are nice, you hurt the people that care about you the most.

A big sorry to Marge and Jenny... If you read this post. I had in the past, always commited this mistake of being too helpful and help others at the expense of you all.


And of coz to dear Wanida, who's still doing her SIS projects, sorry for that and thank you for being there for me and covering my ass also. I own you a treat....wait...I own you more then a treat. I own you alot of Hoegarden and pizza (which I will make for u someday) Hope that it will make you happier and make you swear less.

Just hope that this coming week will be better.... but then it's too early to tell anyway... sigh


Blogger Darnie Pig said...

at last!! now add music, pics and a tagboard! and soon it will beam with life!

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah add scandalous pics? lol... huishi was here !

11:20 PM  

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